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The NSW food industry is a significant contributor to the economy with 55,000 food businesses across the state. The food processing industry alone contributes $25 billion.

Keeping food safe is vital for NSW food businesses and they have a responsibility to make sure the food they produce, process, store, distribute and sell is safe for human consumption and correctly labelled.



  • Starting a food business involves a range of requirements and obligations to ensure food sold is safe and suitable to eat.
  • Enforcement of the Food Act 2003 helps achieve the effective management of food safety risks and the prevention of misleading conduct in connection with the sale of food.
  • The NSW Food Authority can issue export certificates to NSW food manufacturers to facilitate export trade. However, the first port of call is the Australian Department of Agriculture.
  • audits_and_compliance_banner.jpg
    Enforcement of the Food Act 2003 helps achieve the effective management of food safety risks and the prevention of misleading conduct in connection with the sale of food.
  • Cold stores

    Cold stores are businesses that store high-risk food products that would normally require a license to manufacture, such as meat, seafood, plant or dairy.

  • landingPage-dairy.jpg

    The NSW Food Authority licences around 1,700 businesses in the dairy sector.

  • eggs_feature.jpg

    The NSW egg industry is a diverse and varied with 34% of all egg production in Australia occurring in NSW.

  • export_thumb.jpg
    The NSW Food Authority can issue export certificates to NSW food manufacturers to facilitate export trade. However, the first port of call is the Australian Department of Agriculture.
  • labelling_banner.jpg
    Find the information you need to understand what a food label is telling you, and manage your food choices.
  • Food safety programs

    Food safety programs are designed to help businesses identify and manage hazards to food safety. 

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    The NSW Food Authority has prepared the NSW Food Safety Schemes Manual (the Manual) to specify testing requirements for the following Food Safety Schemes und

  • Food transport

    If you're a food business that transports food, you need to keep food protected from contamination and at the right temperature so it stays safe to eat.

  • Woman

    Manufacturing and wholesaling businesses produce and sell foods by wholesale with a limited or no retail sales business component.

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    NSW is the largest producer of poultry meat in Australia, producing around a third of the national total.

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    NSW plant product businesses are those that handle fresh cut fruit, fresh cut vegetables, vegetables in oil, unpasteurised juice or seed sprouts.

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    NSW has a diverse fishing and seafood industry.

    The NSW Food Authority licenses around 1,900 businesses in the sector.

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    The NSW Food Authority licenses around 240 shellfish businesses, which include oyster farmers and shellfish wild harvesters.

  • Women discussing starting a cake business
    Starting a food business involves a range of requirements and obligations to ensure food sold is safe and suitable to eat.
  • vulnerable_persons_thumb.jpg

    The NSW Food Authority currently licenses around 1,200 businesses that provide food service to vulnerable persons which includes:

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