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NSW Vulnerable Persons Food Safety Scheme Consultative Committee

The NSW Vulnerable Persons Food Safety Scheme Consultative Committee (VPCC) was established to provide the NSW Minister for Agriculture and the NSW Food Authority with a consistent and concise forum for consulting on matters relating to the Vulnerable Persons Food Safety Scheme.

In particular, it consults on matters including:

  1. the continuing operation of the Vulnerable Persons Food Safety Scheme.
  2. any proposed amendment of the Vulnerable Persons Food Safety Scheme.

Section 105 of the Food Act 2003 requires the Food Authority to consult with industry sectors affected by a regulatory Food Safety Scheme, in accordance with provisions of that Scheme.

The Vulnerable Persons Food Safety Scheme under Food Regulation 2015 commenced in November 2018.

The VPCC membership is designed to bring expertise and new ideas to enhance strategic focus and issue resolution across the NSW vulnerable persons industry sector. While the national nature of the vulnerable persons sector means that national issues will sometimes be in play, VPCC advice should primarily relate to issues within the remit of the NSW Government.  

VPCC members are appointed by the CEO of the Food Authority with membership drawn from a broad skills base across the Vulnerable Person sector. Each member has expertise in specific fields enabling them to provide the Food Authority with a broad range of expert advice and new ideas to enhance strategic focus and issue resolution across the Vulnerable Persons sector.

Members are appointed for a term of up to 3 years and the VPCC is chaired by the Food Authority.


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