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A game meat harvesting field van is a vehicle in which game animals are transported from the point of harvest to a game meat field depot.
This includes vehicles used for harvesting and transporting the following game animals to game meat field chillers (depots):
- kangaroos, wild boar, goats and deer
- rabbits
- ducks
Game animals have the skin or outer covering still attached and are intended for human consumption.
Licensing, registration
Operators of a game meat field harvester vehicle need to:
- successfully complete the AMPSS00018 Game Harvester Skill Set
for kangaroos -
- successfully complete the AMPG303 - Use firearms to safely and humanely harvest wild game accreditation course for kangaroo harvesters provided by an authorised Registered Training Organisation
- apply for an NSW Professional Kangaroo Harvester Licence from the NSW Kangaroo Management Program.
for all game animals -
- apply for a licence online or print version to the NSW Food Authority and pay an annual licence fee (for assistance see the licensing requirements for field harvesters of game animals for human consumption)
- meet food standards
- prepare the vehicle for and be inspected by the Food Authority
For more see licensing.
NSW Professional Kangaroo Harvester licence
NSW Professional Kangaroo Harvester licence
To harvest kangaroos, you need to apply for an NSW Professional Kangaroo Harvester Licence from the NSW Kangaroo Management Program before you apply for the Food Authority licence.
It is an offence to harvest kangaroos without both the NSW Professional Kangaroo Harvester Licence and the Food Authority licence.
Vehicle licence label
The Food Authority will issue a licensing label (sticker) to the holder of a game meat harvesting vehicle licence.
This label must be displayed on the vehicle at all times.
Skills and knowledge
Each food handler and person in control of a food business is required to have food safety skills and knowledge appropriate to their food handling activities.
For a guide, see FSANZ Safe Food Australia Division 2.
Requirements are set out in the Food Standards Code, Standard 3.2.2 - Food Safety Practices and General Requirements, clause 3.
Intended game meat harvesters also need to successfully complete the AMPSS00018 Game Harvester Skill Set before applying for their licences.
Construction and facilities
Game meat field harvester meat-carrying compartments, equipment and appliances must be constructed so that all exposed internal surfaces:
- are durable
- are non toxic
- are smooth surfaced
- are corrosion resistant
- are impervious
- resist food, detergents and sanitising agents under normal operating conditions
- do not transmit odour or taste
- can withstand repeated cleaning and sanitising
- allow visible contamination to be easily detected
- have sealed joints
- can be cleaned effectively.
The construction must be designed to exclude:
- entry of animals including dogs, cats, birds, rodents and insects
- harbouring of vermin
- dust, rain, and other environmental contaminants.
Approved transport
All means of transport used to transport wild game animal carcases to wild game processing premises from any field depot must be licensed by the Food Authority.
The means of transport should deliver the carcases at a temperature not exceeding 7°C (at the thermal centre of the meat product) unless delivered within 24hrs of harvest.
Hygiene and handling
To ensure wild game carcases and wild game meat are wholesome, operators need to maintain appropriate hygiene.
Field processors must ensure that their vehicles and equipment:
- are cleaned and sanitised whenever necessary to prevent contamination of wild game meat and wild game meat products
- are clean before operations begin each day, and are cleaned at the end of operations each day
- if there is more than one shift in a day, are dry cleaned at the end of each shift
- are kept in a good state of repair.
Full requirements are set out in Australian Standard for Hygienic Production of Game Meat for Human Consumption AS4464 – 2007.
Food safety controls
Record keeping
All wild game meat businesses are required to have a documented system that enables the accurate identification of, and the ability to trace and recall, wild game animal carcases and wild game meat produced by the business.
This includes the:
- date of harvesting
- area from which each wild game animal was harvested
- name and licence number of the field harvester.
Food Safety Program
Game meat field harvesting van businesses must develop and implement a documented food safety program.
Businesses can use the Food Authority template Wild Game Meat Field Harvester Food Safety Program and adapt it to meet their requirements.
For general information see Food Safety Programs.
The Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources provides export controls and assistance regarding exporting goods from Australia.
Game meat businesses that wish to export their product overseas can find information from the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.
Businesses which will produce wild game meat also need to comply with AQIS Meat Notice Number: 2009/18, Additional Requirements for Wild Game Meat Processing for Export.
Game meat harvesters must ensure animal carcase identification tags are used as outlined in their Food Safety Program.
No routine microbiological or chemical testing of product is required
Inspections and audits
Game meat harvester vehicles will be routinely checked by the Food Authority for compliance with requirements.
Compliance or regulatory action will be taken if required.
There are fees for inspections, payable by the licence holder.
For more see audits, inspections and compliance.
Legislation and standards
Operators of a game meat field harvester vehicle also need to meet the requirements set out in:
- Food Act 2003 (NSW)
- Food Regulation 2015, including relevant parts of the Meat Food Safety Scheme
- Food Standards Code, including -
- Australian Standard for Hygienic Production of Game Meat for Human Consumption AS4464 – 2007
- For export: AQIS AQIS Meat Notice Number: 2009/18, Additional Requirements for Wild Game Meat Processing for Export.
Update vehicle or vessel details
You can update information about vehicles and vessels on existing food licences through our Apply to vary vehicle and vessel information form. Use the form to:
- add, replace and/or cancel a vehicle
- change a vehicle registration plate or location
- add, replace and/or cancel a vessel.
You may need to submit digital photographs of the vehicle or vessel as part of your application. Find out more, including what photos are required, in the Factsheet: Apply to vary vehicle and vessel information (PDF, 141 KB).
If you cannot use the online form, contact our Licensing & Accreditation Services on 1300 552 406 or bfs.admin@dpi.nsw.gov.au.