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The NSW Food Authority advises:
Unique Health Products Pty Ltd has recalled The Whole Foodies SEA VEGETABLES Mixed Seaweed from IGA’s, independent health food stores, and online in NSW, QLD, VIC and WA and chemists (QLD only), due to the level of Arsenic being above the permitted level in the Food Standards Code.
Product details:
- The Whole Foodies SEA VEGETABLES Mixed Seaweed, 170G, sealed plastic bag
- EXP 2019 JAN 30
Consumers should not consume this product and should return it to the place of purchase for a full refund.
If you are concerned about your health you should seek medical advice.
For more recall information, contact Unique Health Products Pty Ltd on 1800 787 904 or visit www.uhp.com.au - external site.