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Where to get trained
The NSW Food Authority approves Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to deliver FSS training for the purpose of issuing NSW FSS certificates. Only approved RTOs can train and assess a Food Safety Supervisor and issue a NSW FSS certificate.
A list of all approved RTOs in NSW and their approval numbers is below.
This list is published under the Food Act 2003 (NSW) s106(H).
All Registered Training Organisations for FSS
Company | Approval number | Contacts | Recertification offered |
5 Star Online Training | 50826 | http://www.5staronlinetraining.com.au 1300 496 337 |
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ABM Further Education | 86149 | https://abm.edu.au 0482 796 010 |
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Academy Green Learning | 70901 | http://www.academygreen.edu.au 02 8325 0177 |
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Access All Areas Training | 25813 | http://www.accessallareastraining.com.au 1300 287 554 |
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Achievement Institute Australia (AIA) Pty Ltd | 82991 | http://www.aiaustralia.edu.au 0402 554 271 |
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AD1 College | 72329 | http://www.ad1college.com.au 02 9594 0655 |
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Affirm Training | 81787 | http://www.affirmtraining.com.au 02 9699 7711 |
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Allens Training Pty Ltd | 85033 | http://www.allenstraining.com.au 1300 559 064 |
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Applied Training Solutions | 25529 | http://www.appliedtraining.com.au (02) 8787 5870 |
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ARA Retail Institute | 86500 | http://www.retail.org.au | ✖ |
Atwea College | 69243 | http://www.atwea.edu.au (02) 4925 4209 |
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Austrain Academy | 24237 | http://www.austrainacademy.com.au 1300 204 020 |
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Australian College of Higher Studies | 24219 | http://www.auschs.edu.au 1300 600 888 |
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Australian Salesmasters Training Co Pty Ltd | 34201 | http://www.thesalesmasters.com 02 9700 9333 |
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Australian National Institute of Education | 85831 | https://www.anie.edu.au./ 1300 812 355 |
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Australian Global Academy Pty Ltd | 65236 | http://www.aga.edu.au 0477 477 675 |
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Australian International College | 44472 | http://www.aic.nsw.edu.au 02 9264 0073 |
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Australian Institute of Food Safety (Registered Training Organisation) | 43495 | http://www.foodsafety.com.au 1300 797 020 |
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Australian Institute of Accreditation Pty Ltd | 50169 | http://www.aia.edu.au 1300 662 750 |
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Australian Training Plus | 25691 | http://www.atplus.edu.au 02 6764 6858 |
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Australian Training And Education College Pty Ltd | 83294 | http://www.atec.nsw.edu.au 0418 104 333 |
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Australian Academy of Higher and Professional Learning Pty Ltd | 66880 | http://www.aahpl.au 1300 853 031 |
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Barrington Training Services Pty Ltd | 24217 | http://www.barringtongroup.com.au 02 9899 0600 |
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Brighten Institute Australia Pty Ltd | 74275 | http://www.brighten.edu.au 02 9223 1868 |
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BSI Learning | 53258 | http://bsilearning.edu.au 1300 137 504 |
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Catch Training Pty Ltd | 73513 | http://www.catch.nsw.edu.au 02 8007 3427 |
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Centre For Training Pty Ltd | 24249 | http://www.centrefortraining.com.au 02 9499 3737 |
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Clear To Work Pty Ltd | 29586 | http://www.cleartowork.com.au 0457 686 434 |
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CMNL Academy | 24318 | http://www.cmnlacademy.com.au 02 9559 0025 |
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Coffs Coast Education & Training Organisation | 70903 | http://www.coffscollege.nsw.edu.au 02 6652 5378 |
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Community College Northern Inland Inc. | 71063 | http://ccni.nsw.edu.au/ 02 6782 1662 |
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Correct Training Systems Pty Ltd | 24411 | http://www.correcttraining.com.au (02) 1300 769 937 |
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CTA Training Specialists | 51207 | http://www.clubtraining.com.au 07 3878 8977 |
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le'Culinaire Hospitality Institute | 75062 | http://www.leculinaire.edu.au 02 9211 3945 |
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Dynamic Learning Services | 53545 | http://www.dynamiclearningservices.com.au 02 4365 0040 |
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East West Training Solutions Pty Ltd | 51639 | http://www.ewtstraining.com.au (02) 9299 5593 |
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Eclipse Online Education | 31689 | http://www.eclipse.edu.au 03 5201 0568 |
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Education Training & Employment Australia | 73196 | http://www.etea.edu.au 13 13 89 |
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Edway Training Pty Ltd | 84415 | http://edway.edu.au 02 9357 6544 |
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Enterprise & Training Company Ltd | 33415 | http://www.etcltd.com.au (02) 6648 5400 |
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Epec Education Pty Ltd | 83080 | http://www.epeceducation.com.au 07 4616 8111 |
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Evolution Hospitality Institute | 40348 | http://evolution.edu.au 02 8275 5300 |
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Flexible Training Solutions Pty Ltd | 71622 | http://flexibletrainingsolutions.com.au 1300 001 135 |
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Food Safety Australia | 24773 | http://www.foodsafety.edu.au (07) 3289 3582 |
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Food Safety First (Registered Training Organisation) | 43495 | http://www.foodsafety.com.au 1300 797 020 |
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Food Safety Education | 25085 | http://www.foodsafetyeducation.com.au 0400 757 645 |
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Fresh Business Training Pty Ltd | 81768 | http://www.freshtraining.org 0408 882 029 |
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Global Institute | 84879 | http://www.globalinstitute.edu.au 02 8076 8000 |
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Hospitality Training Australia | 28960 | http://www.itfe.edu.au 1300 659 557 |
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Hospitality Institute of NSW | 51835 | http://www.hinsw.com.au 02 8884 2888 |
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The Illawarra Business College | 25109 | http://www.tibc.nsw.edu.au 02 9791 6555 |
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Infocus Food Safety | 38023 | http://www.infocusmg.com.au 1300 818 408 |
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InstaCert (Registered Training Organisation) | 43495 | http://www.foodsafety.com.au 1300 797 020 |
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ITEC Academy | 86376 | http://www.itecacademy.edu.au 02 4223 3100 |
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JCE Positive Outcomes Pty Ltd | 24215 | http://www.jcepositiveoutcomes.com.au (02) 6258 0033 |
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Jessie's Coffee School | 66972 | http://www.jessiecoffee.com.au 0405 911 827 |
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Job Trainer Australia | 75809 | http://www.jta.edu.au 1300 020 615 |
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Just Careers Training Pty Ltd | 24205 | http://www.justtraining.com.au 1300 558 241 |
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KFC | 24355 | http://www.yum.com 02 9930 3000 |
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Kingsford International Institute | 81409 | http://www.kii.edu.au 02 8599 9800 |
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McDonald's Australia Limited | 24354 | ✖ | |
Melbourne Tech Institute Pty Ltd | 88522 | http://www.melbtech.edu.au 0499 561 391 |
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Mets Training Services | 84636 | http://www.mets.edu.au 0423 707 739 |
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Mid North Coast Community College Limited | 74267 | http://www.mnccc.edu.au 02 6583 7288 |
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National Training Organisation Pty Ltd | 24892 | http://www.nto.com.au 1300 132 213 |
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New Era Institute Pty Ltd | 72788 | http://www.newerainstitute.edu.au 02 8964 6457 |
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North Coast Community College Inc | 41290 | http://www.northcoastcc.edu.au 02 6628 5426 |
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Novaskill | 24284 | http://www.novaskill.com.au 1300 885 680 |
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NVCollege | 50700 | http://www.nvcollege.edu.au 02 6568 2100 |
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Olinga Learning Institute | 85423 | https://www.olinga.edu.au/ 1300 011 100 |
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The Di Pacci Coffee Company Pty Ltd | 83859 | http://dipacci.com.au/ 02 9758 0760 |
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Precise Training | 31399 | http://www.precisetraining.com.au 02 9912 2199 |
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Prime Skills Pty Ltd | 24317 | http://www.primeskills.com.au 03 9888 7448 |
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QMS Audits Training Pty Ltd | 82070 | http://www.qmsaudits.com.au 1300 404 505 |
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Quality College of Australia | 25031 | http://www.qca.edu.au 1300 511 888 |
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Quality Service Skills | 84589 | http://www.qss.edu.au 0438 848 850 |
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Queensford College | 71751 | http://www.queensford.edu.au 02 8660 0040 |
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Reach For Training Pty Ltd | 24240 | http://www.reachfortraining.com.au 02 4956 9455 |
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REDI.E | 33176 | http://www.redie.org.au 02 6841 0111 |
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Riverina Community College Limited | 24367 | https://www.riverinacc.edu.au/ (02) 6933 5555 |
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Safezone Training | 85437 | https://www.safezonetraining.edu.au 0450 000 050 |
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SAI Global Pty Limited | 70790 | https://learning.saiassurance.com.au/ 1300 727 444 |
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Salford College | 81465 | http://www.salfordcollege.edu.au 08 8232 6190 |
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Shield Training Group | 87996 | http://www.shieldtraininggroup.edu.au 0421 859 862 |
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Short Courses Australia | 65101 | http://www.shortcoursesau.edu.au 1300 747 430 |
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Signature Learning And Development | 83520 | http://www.signaturelearninganddevelopment.com 1300 282 813 |
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Signature Training College | 79572 | http://signaturetraining.edu.au 02 8896 2036 |
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Statewide Business Training Pty Ltd | 24247 | http://www.statewidebt.edu.au 02 4351 7550 |
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Sydney East Community College | 66545 | http://www.secc.edu.au 02 9387 7400 |
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Sydney Community College | 75089 | http://www.sydneycommunitycollege.edu.au 02 8752 7555 |
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Tactical Training Group Pty Ltd | 24310 | http://www.allaralearning.com.au | ✖ |
TAFE NSW | 53794 | http://www.tafensw.edu.au 13 16 01 |
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Tamworth Community College Inc | 51573 | http://www.tamworth.nsw.edu.au 02 6763 0630 |
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TCP Training | 24206 | http://www.tcptraining.com (02) 9232 1010 |
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TLK Community College | 52537 | http://www.tlkcc.com.au 02 4353 0017 |
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Training Online Food Safety | 24250 | http://www.trainingonlinefs.edu.au 1300 665 633 |
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Training @ Key | 86911 | http://www.keycommunitygroup.com.au 1300 539 562 |
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Trans-Plant Training Pty Ltd | 72425 | http://www.tptraining.edu.au 0410 452 187 |
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TrEd Consultants Pty Ltd | 84414 | http://www.tredcollege.edu.au 02 9870 7688 |
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VERTO Ltd | 24746 | http://www.verto.org.au 1300 136 885 |
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Western Riverina Community College Incorporated | 49208 | http://www.wrcc.nsw.edu.au 02 6964 5334 |
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William Angliss Institute of TAFE | 24282 | http://www.angliss.edu.au (02) 9125 5100 |
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Wiseman Institute | 86938 | http://wisemaneducation.com.au 0401 050 108 |
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